Community Work and Social Responsibility

Every student has to do an appropriate community work of minimum of 20 hrs a trimester, to see, to know, to question, to be sensitive and to be concerned and compasionate. It may change one to be someone who can make a difference. What we can do may be a trickle. Yet, it has a trickle down effect. If not, one won?t be eligible to take exams. Community work is a one credit course per trimester. Voluntary work is what is expected. If not, it is compulsory.

Teaching computer, English, Maths, Dance etc. to children from Municipal Schools.

Teaching yoga to under-privileged children

Encouraging an underprivileged child
to sing on Teacher?s Day

SCMLD students under the leadership of Amit Jaiswal and Misha Nambiar of PGPEL 2009-10 / APEL 2010-11 batch have generated funds to the tune of Rs.2.3 Lac and helped two children baby Arthi, 6 month old and master Prathmesh, 2? year old undergo heart surgeries at Dinanath Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune during 2010. Both are growing up healthy and smart.


SCMLD student giving clothes to a destitute during the winter…

Helping with Jaipur foots to an amputated fellow human being

Feeding a child on the street

– The students, staff and faculty clean the road in front of, and the lanes around the campus between 1:00 PM and 1:30 PM. every day. This is being done since 2004.

– 25 under privileged children are being taught English, Mathematics, Computer and Science by volunteer students 5 days a week during the last two academic years continuing with the earlier practice.

– 4300 pieces of old but very good clothes were collected from near by housing Societies and distributed to destitutes during December, 2014.
– Also, students had done a campaign on the ‘importance of voting’ across many housing Societies and persuaded many to exercise that duty. Click Here